Friday, 2 July 2010

Session 34 - Dakhla, Morocco

Wind - Perfect 20ish knots
Kite - Ozone 7m C4
Time on the water - 1 hour max

1 - too hungover so had to go back to bed after breakfast, I will never learn that getting drunk and staying up till 4.30am is not a good thing.

2 - Shoulder hurt

3 - I was worrying about coming home the next day and really dont want this trip to end to go back to the monotony of UK life.

Excuses over. Kept trying a few new things, kept fucking them up. Decided that going home in one peice was easier to aid the lugging of 30kg bag! Packed up and felt sorry for myself LOL.

Had a good few hours hanging out with the boys and was gutted to say good bye to them. The journey home to the UK with Kara began!

Flight from Dakhla to Casablanca, aided but no excess baggage charge we did have a few giggles on the journey. By the time the bus came and we checked in though it was 3am and we had to be up at 6am - NOT so good!!!

Session 33 - Dakhla, Morocco

Wind 20+knots
Kite 7m Ozone C4
Time on the water - 2.5 hours in total
Aim to just get some good air and then also to try new things

So I am definitely happy to be back on the water and the work and Rich and Toff have done on my back and shoulder has really helped me get better balance and also just not ache constantly!!

So I decided that as I only have 2 sessions left this one needed to be BIG! So I started by going out and practising my jumps. I started to get some good air and then for some reason decided to try and bring my legs up in front of me into what is called a table top! I was amazed that I could do it and then when I nailed it properly I was really happy to get a cheer from the boys from the shore!! I am landing my jumps much better now and I am happy about that and generally feel a lot more comfortable on the water which is the main thing. I had hoped to be doing more tricks than I can but I guess I have learned alot considering my starting point.

This evening was hilarious, after a few drinks at the beach bar we decided to have dinner and then go to the bar for a game of ring of fire and shithead with forfeits! I will spare the details as to be honest it was probably only funny because we were there, but it was hilarious and you just have to look at the photos to understand why!! It ended up with 1.5 bottles of rum being drunk and alot of sore stomachs from the laughing, not to forget the love bite on Toff's leg!!!