Sunday, 23 May 2010

Session 20 - Flag Beach, Fuertaventura

Wind - about 12-16 knots
Kite - 10m C4
Water - flat
Aim - grow a pair and nail toeside and continue with jumping and popping off the wave!

So after a day of progress yesterday and a good lazy night in with Annabel I was ready to brave the kiting for a good long session before I left the island.

Sods law! I arrive at the beach for about 11am and there was no one there apart from the crew and no wind!! So I sat basking in the sunshine like a typical English girl, you think i would be tired of the sunshine by now!! I sat and read and chilled and then had a bit of a swim, something that I hardly do as normally being in the water involves me being attached to a kite! Then thankfully the wind came through in the afternoon and I got out for about an hour on my 10m. I had a ball! I came in completely out of breath after jumping, popping and attempting my heel side to toe side turn which was much easier than the straight switch for me! I was sooooo happy when i eventually nailed it, admittedly i cannot switch back to heel yet so so far i have just had to stop kiting and start again but hey this is good progress for me! I was so pleased that I rushed out of the water at the end of the session and had to text Ben my news, bloody good kiting people are never as excited about these things as you! I decided after that that I didn't want to ruin my session memory and packed up and went home.

I have to say that after a very dodgy start I warmed to Fuerte. The apartment was basic and that is an a slight understatement but when it is covered in sand from 3 girls no where is good! The weather warmed up and the sea state changed completely after the first day which made me very happy. I would say however that flag beach would be a shite place to kite if it wasn't for the team. The actual kiters keep themselves to themselves and they don't seem to have the manners that people have in Egypt. I am very grateful to Vyky at Active Adventures for putting me in the apartment with Annabel (and later Christmas) as i think my evenings would have been mainly spent on my laptop missing home, as "Bella" and I got on very well and I am very much looking forward to spending much time with her on random jaunts in the future!

Massive thank you again to Maurin (spelt wrong I am sure) and "Young" Ben for amusing me and putting up with me all day! Without you the days would have bee lonely and dull! Although I am sure I would not have had to travel to Lanza with a hangover if I hadnt have met you!!

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