Sunday, 6 June 2010

The beginning of the next leg and good bye to the last.

Well I thought that as i have an hour to kill (at least) in Madrid airport i though that I would type up some of my blog in hope that I can get some wireless in Morocco!

I have finally left the Canaries after what seems like a long time. I did about 22 das here in total but wow didn’t I cover some ground. With kiting sessions at Flag Beach in Fuerteventura and Famara in Lanzarote I know for a fact that the next leg will be more fun as my confidence has grown and also I am no longer just looking for flat water and consistent wind. My kiting has come on heaps since I have been here and although I may not be a freestyle guru, I am definitely stronger and more open to trying a few things on choppy and wavey water.

Bella and Christmas were priceless in Fuerteventura and I am still so happy that Vyky put us in the flat together, with them along with the boys at Flag Beach I enjoyed Fuerta much more than I ever expected to. It is a funny looking little town (Correlejo I mean), very Spanish yet seems to have been attacked by the English 70s tourists just a little too much, high prices also don’t help a budgeting kiter as Lanza is so very much cheaper. I was due to spend a fortnight in Lanzarote, the first week with my best mate Caroline, where we explored the beaches and the national park etc (as detailed earlier), the little car of choice was priceless for this! The second week I had hoped that I would be kiting but with the early part of the week scuppered with no wind I decided to head early to Fuerta and hang with Ben until I left. Now I am not going to go into details about the relationship that has grown with Ben, as if you are close close mate you already know and then there are a few things that just aren’t meant for a blog! I hope that those of you close to me will be around in July when he is coming home for a while. It is after all all about the hot blonde kiting instructors and the added bonus is this one comes with a brain and happens to be the kindest man i have met in a long time. So running with that for a while. To anyone who read my old blog – he is not like any of the ones on that list so you are safe!!
Lanza when I wasn’t in Fuerta this week blessed me with 2 great days hanging out with Vyky. A girl who booked me my first kiting holiday at the tail end of 2008, we have been intouch since and I have booked 3 holidays through her since also (active Over the months we have had chats via mail and phone and it was awesome to meet with her and hang out like old mates. I am missing her heaps since I left and I can only thank her for the art of power tanning. I hope that I will see her again soon for sure!

So now the next chunk of Africa begins. Essaouira and Dakhla. The later infamous with many kiters around the world for possessing the largest lagoon for freestyle with flat, waist height water which many find so helpful to progress with their tricks. The former famous for good wave riding although tame nearer the shore and ok for beginner to advanced. I look forward to introducing myself to the local centre there in the morning (first thing to investigate is the need for rescue cover!!) and then I will get back on the board for the first time in over a week. Essaoiura intrigues me as I am really looking forward to eating local cuisine (i went to Marrakesh 3 years ago) which is mainly cous cous and tangines which are cheap and nutritious and also exploring some of the local culture like I got to do with Vyky this week in Lanza. Dakhla for me will be a do or die 10 days! As it is the last 10 days of my trip (for now) I need to man up and get on the freestyle and jumping train! I will have wind for 7 hours a day and I plan to use. As it is in the centre of the desert there is no nightlife to distract me and not much in the way of parties from what I have heard so I have 2 books and a whole day to kite. The perfect end to the trip.

Where next is the question, with several options open to me now I have 3 weeks to work it out and see what happens ;o)


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