Friday, 18 June 2010

My last day and then to Dakhla.

Following yesterdays debacle with the german I was feeling no love at all to kite so I had a very lazy morning, feeling very sorry for myself and missing home and my boy. I was in tears, which as many of you know is not like me. I am not sure what has been up with me since I arrived in Morocco. I am not sure if is because I am homesick or just because I am missing Ben, or just because I am bored of forcing myself to kite every day. I guess anything that starts to feel like a chore becomes a burden and for me I am definitely missing the flat water fun I was having in Egypt. Now as any experienced kiter knows (which I hasten to add am not) it is good to experience different conditions and I am the luckiest girl on the planet right now to have been able to kite some of the places that I have kited. I love the waves in Essaouira but after a while I become gutless to try things because the wind is very gusty. I need to man up I guess as English wind is predominately the same.

SO I spend the day reading and hanging out with the boys at the Vagabond (again) and then head back to the riad for a spag bog and a glass of wine.
Riad Zahara is a great place for kiters and windsurfers alike, Xavier the man that owns it and his son are both into the watersports and it has a very cute little school on the side of the hotel. The riad does good food and wine at a reasonable price and the place is is always clean and tidy. I have become very accustomed to walking around bare foot and here is great for that and you don’t end up with black feet!! I was sad to say good bye to the team this afternoon and I am sure that I will definitely be visiting there again sometime and I will happily sell it to anyone who is interested in a kite destination that also has some things to do when there is no wind!!

I joined the Club Mistral team for the time I will there and they are awesome, all friendly and great kiters and happy to help you out and show you a few things here and there. They seemed expensive if you wanted to do lessons there but I am not intouch with what is good or not to be honest!!

SO now to Dakhla. I am excited about this as it is a big big flat water lagoon and I will be able to spend good time on the water without getting battered by the waves!!

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